Thursday, September 27, 2007

down time and the final curtain.

between the moto's and finals, the kids played a bit, mikey pinoick tried to look good, terry did his 'jump' and liam pulled clicked look-backs.

on behalf of everyone who helped, there are plenty of people who's names have been forgotten, but you know your work was greatly appreciated. and one last thank you.

dagenham, BAD BMX, thanks for coming down and representing!

until the next one.

october the 20th, be there or, well, don't.

last but not least.

the final race of the day was the cruiser mtb class.

a race close to my heart because it was this race two years ago that got me back into the racing of small wheeled kids bikes.

After competing in two moto's i gave my mate jon my ride so he could get bitten by the bug. sadly he went down hard while in third in the finals.. It worked though. he
'll be back next time with a new steed, honour to be upheld.

special thanks must go to Vernon for his godly words of wisdom, stoic aptitude and beautiful rendition of a girl.
bugger, how do i rotate that now!


plenty of action in the 'master' class, with Tre white on a promise of hard cash if he could beat the 'bigger boys'.

he damn nearly gone and done it getting 3 and two seconds in the moto's and 3rd in the final. I dont think bubba green beat him all day.

in the finals it ended up richardson, pinnock, tre, bubba or something.

a worthy medalist

terry the cooks little un came down on the second straight in his moto, snapping his carbon bars and conking his head on the lip of the double, but deservedly got the medal anyway
Liam wins, and to think he wanted to race novice!

Brixton transfers taro and quillon dominated their moto's but taro dropped in the final and the brothers book-ended the results

locals rule

peckham bmx club fill the gate,

and kye white wins despite being upped a class, and help back by CK during his moto's

newbies and some with a bit more experience

some unhappy people, and thats with second in his first race (2nd from right)

"Mini mike" josh wong gets pimped by destiny richards, but neither could claim the victory

getting older

some novices hit the track for their first races, and some moere xperienced little-uns go toe to toe.

racing. young uns and podiums

the racing. almost

before we start, i will appologise for not having everyone's names, or the classes, but resizing 3 gigs worth of pics was enough for this man, and after all this is only meant as a tempory thing until we can get the club website up to date.

feeding the five.... well everyone who turned up

Terry the dad, not terry 'bubba' green, spent the day making sure no-one went hungry. without this mans unwavering spatula weilding, the day would have had plenty more toy-less prams.
oh, and not forgetting everyone else who helped him out either.

Terry, we salute you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Funday saturday 22nd september 2007

What with all the fuss about the lack of a winter race series, Peckham BMX club decided to start the ball rolling with some open events. As is the tradition round these parts, the locals get involved, so the '07 fun-days were the result. Sure the tracks not massive, and needed some work, but it was hardly what the event was about. The more local "yoot" that ride the track and get 'mentored' by CK, Rich, Daddy White and the rest of the coaches, the less trouble they'll have later in life and to date its all worked out ok.
Enough of that though, back to the days event.

Early morning

Club members started arriving early to do the sweeping patching, lifting shit, and general dogs body stuff that needs doing before anything can really happen and by 11o'clock the registration was ready, the EZ-up in place and the track pretty much done

All that was needed before the event could begin was a brief team talk from the man CK Flash.....